Do me a favour

1 min readAug 28, 2019


Can you do me a favour?

All of you? Any of you?

I ask for one thing, and one thing only

Cause I only want one thing

For anyone and everyone to be


Be one of those people

Who feel like a peaceful road trip

Or a blanket on a rainy day

Or a book, with a warm coffee mug

Or a blazing fire against a sky of grey


Be one of those people

Who say a kind word here

Do a good deed there

Be one of those people

Who help, who notice, who care


That’s all I ask of you

That you be one of those people

And not one of the other kind

Who are cruel, vile, violent, vicious

For that’s the one kind, I never want to find


For those people have hurt us

Hurt us, hurt us, hurt us

So bad that some aren’t here today

But the others have healed us

So that for the first time, we have a way


So be a road trip, a blanket

A book, be a blazing fire

Give us a way to find

What we desire




Paramie Jayakody is a 24 year old who works by day, and moonlights as a storyteller who likes to express ideas, be it anything from writing, to film, to art.